How are you doing on your New Year’s Resolutions? If losing weight and getting in shape were on your list and you haven’t met your goals, you need to know about Training Effect. training effect - achieve itHeather Patterson and Training Effect are personal trainers with a difference. They will help you work toward and attain your fitness goals.

Training effect is located in Anytime Fitness in St. Peters at 7517 Mexico Road in St. Peters. We’ve included a map (below the interview). You can reach Heather by calling (636) 236-2770. You can find out more about Training Effect by clicking here to look at their Facebook Page.

Heather is one of our featured businesses this week. Take a listen to the interview (below) to find out more about Training Effect. The interview will be broadcast on KSLQ Saturday, March 1st at 9:30 AM on the “This is My Business” radio show.